Tuesday, September 10, 2013

MY MY MY!!!!

Today is really a happy Tuesday I got my braces off yes indeed!!!!
Now these retainers I will need to get use to but I am free!! I can now eat all the raw foods I want and that's without the retainers in:-)))
This is really going to boost me up to a higher level in my struggle for weight loss, I am so excited and I am in the mix of cutting up some raw veggies for my lunch for work.....Oh happy day:-)
I also went and sign up for Brazilian jiu jitsu and praying they don't beat up this old lady...lol
This is another way to help me with the weight struggle and I learn another way to protect myself.
Now if you can't afford to pay for yourself to go to any type of martial art class you can usually fined free classes at neighborhood centers you just have to do a little research to fine it. Well this weekend biggest struggle is going have to find someone to help me bring my treadmill to my home people say they will help but it's never to be expected because if they do thank you lord for the blessing and I am very grateful but if not oh well.


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