Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Drive by Tuesday!

I'm sick!!!! I got my flu shot over a week ago and of course I am sick....I so love how they say the flu shot don't make you sick.....REALLY!!! I work in the medical field!

Any who yesterday I finally go my treadmill home because the uhaul tried to cheat me after I made the arrangements over the phone and they changed my pick up location for the truck to get me to pay for more mileage and I ain't got time for that!!! So I found another way:-) and it didn't cost me one penny:-)

I don't feel good enough to do a workout today but this to shall past:-) Thanking God  that I will be off for a total of 11 day!!!!!!!!! starting the 25th...HA how you like me now!!!
So this woman will get better and hop on the treadmill like a crazy manic:-)))
I just refuse to give up and allow myself to gain what I have lost I just can't keep making that same mistake so it ain't over until the skinny lady sing! Now for me it's going to be a broth week  just get some broth and add the coleslaw mix and simmer it's so good and filling and the cabbage helps get the fluid off and the broth helps clean your system out but also drink plenty of healthy fluids best way to get your body on the right track being sick.

later demi~

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