Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Thank you Lord for allowing us to see another Christmas Eve I am so very grateful, yes indeed!
Well let me say I have such great news (clapping hands).....Yesterday A sweet voice told me to get on the scale and I did and guess what I lost 8 wonderful pounds!!!!! (again clapping hands)...:-)
All from not eating meat and watching how I eat happy moment here and praying to stay focused and keeping it under control.
As a stress eater you have to learn not to allow things to get to you and that's something I have been working on for quit so time, like for instance people who do so little for you should never affect your thought process ever. Now, not that you feel ugly towards them in any kind of way but just know that's who they are and it's between them and God and that's it:-)
You know it's always best to pray about everything and that alone will help deplete a lot of the stress.
Now when meat is out your life man the smoothies are the most number one hit well at least for me it is!
Plus I love veggies I really do and you can find the best recipes online or just create some yourself!!
But there's a small down fall and its the gas and waste listen it goes on and on but that's the best thing in the world is the cleansing and for someone who has diverticulitis that's right up my alley:-))

I have so much to be thankful for because I know the cost of lost and our family just went through the thought that one of our member may have heart surgery but let me tell you that God is a mighty God and he heard our prayers and sent down mercy and grace and everything is find right now no surgery is needed and all I can say IS AMEN!!!
At my house today we are coming together in thanksgiving for the reason of the season and that's Jesus Lord!!!!  So please love one another, forgive, let go of all bitterness, pray and be thankful:-)



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