Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday after Thanksgiving!

Oh what a great day it was! I first worked day-shift and got home at about 5 pm but I had prepare most of the food the day before and my daughter finished off the rest thanksgiving day and everything was delicious I did low calories on everything but the yams and my yam will make you slap somebody:-))) the meal was Cornish hens that are 200 calories per one cooked in spices and Marmalade sauce which is only 49 calories per tablespoon and it was the freaking bomb!! green beans and potatoes I didn't put bacon and they were awesome white rice and only 1 cup per plate and the lowest calorie rolls I could find and I did! So it was so good and I didn't feel all yucky after this meal like I would with the regular thanksgiving meal because with that meal you don't count calories nor do you count fat and I am so happy I did this, plus I made a low calorie pie the bomb:-)))))))))) ( I call it marble delight)  and you can bet your last million I will do a low calorie meal for Christmas as well!

I am grateful for the people who are encouraging me on the weight loss. It's is really a mental thing and you must fix your thinking in order to do what you need to do to get the weight off and keep it off. It's a struggle and the support system can help so much. Time for prayer time:-)


Sunday, November 24, 2013

A new Sunday and no looking back!

Well I have already start getting my oils and last night I made a homemade shampoo again but with only oils I used olive oil, almond oil, eucalyptus oil and rosemary I should have done a baking soda rinse first but forgot but anyway I did the oils and let them sit in for like 40 min and I massaged my scalp then got into the shower and rinsed. Now this morning my scalp feels good and I didn't have alot of hair loss and so very happy about that! OH and Wen have the same type of oils in the all natural one and they don't use any type of soap.

Yesterday evening I stuff Christmas stocking for my grands and I didn't eat one candy...yes yes yes for me!!!
It's a proud moment and I didn't even crave it this detox is working:-) I found a new used book store and I got so many books for dirty cheap I got one on 20,000 secrets of teas:-) 4 or 5 books on diabetic recipes now I am not a diabetic but the recipes are low in calories and they are really balanced and they were so cheap because just 1 of these books are like 18 bucks at Barns & Nobles and I bought these for like 4 bucks a piece!!! love a good bargain:-)

I have decided to be more selfish when it comes to myself, no more open door to my life to others now I'm not doing this to be mean or anything like that I just need to set hard boundaries on others because folks will try and push all their issues and problems onto your life and I have my own stuff and yes it's depends on what's going on but for bull crap I don't have time for that nonsense! I have prayer time first and me time then work time and then I have to check on the grown children and check on the grand children so who in the world have time for other people foolishness not me. I just feel if it isn't anything positive or to help others then they need to bypass me. This life is about God's will, striving to be better and better each and everyday and making a good difference in the lives of other people rather its through your work, neighborhood a stranger a cause a shelter or nurturing or whatever something.

Man I looked up and sure had a lot to say today...:-)


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Saturday from scary to great!

Well right now I just need to vent last night I had a horrible and I mean horrible dream. It was about the great man I mention before I dreamed that one min I was talking to him face to face with such a great smile then I went back again to where he was and this strange man was pretending to be him and had caused him great danger, I woke up crying and so hurt I started praying mighty hard for God's protection and I would never tell him this but I sent him a prayer this morning.

The thought of it hurts me so bad I wish I could build a strong wall around him but I am through my constant prayers to the Heavenly Father, we truly have to stay in prayer for one another because the devil never sleeps. I can't allow my feeling to be out of order because you lose sight of God's plan because the most important thing is to be that prayer warrior and pray, pray, pray.

Prayer for Guidance and Protection.

Hallelujah Jesus, Praise You . We glorify You and we You thanks

We give you thanks for this day and for all the blessings and graces who bestowed upon us.

We pray that you forgive us with our shortcomings to You, with our loved ones and to others.

Jesus, bless us today, our families and friends. Give us the strength, we lean on you, Lord Jesus for our provisions, for our needs. Clothe us with your guidance and blessings and cover us with your Precious blood for protection.

Lead the way of your children, our Lord and our Savior.

Grant us what is best for us. 

In the name of Jesus. Amen and amen.



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

In my feelings Tuesday!!!!

I woke up so emotional this morning all in my feelings with the weight struggle, my feelings about that someone (WM) and yes I am beating myself up about why I like him so much dammit what's my problem hell I don't want to be hurt again I really don't, I don't think I'm even his type!!! yes he feels I'm sweet but everyone say's that I just need to keep praying because I don't want to fall for someone and that's not God's will for my life. And at the end of the day I'm in my feelings and he's not at all because I have been there before and that person wasn't worth one single moment of my God giving time.

I just want to stay home and hide out and watch movies and cuddle with my doggies:-) thinking the detoxing has me acting crazy my emotions are all over the place! but hoping it will past soon!!! It's time for a protein shake! but my detox book is right on point and I see how the wrong foods can affect your moods and enter spirit that's just wild to me you just never realize how food can have such a huge impact on your life. Well my reward for my first weight goal will be back to Camel for a weekend and to hike along the beach area but if God says the same that will be after the first of the year:-)) I need to stay focused on myself and my goals:-) And God will take care of the rest!!


Monday, November 18, 2013

A tiring off Monday,

Well its been a cozy lazy day for me I am now getting ready to go have dinner with my daughter then off to the movies:-) I haven't done one thing today but it's OK ups and downs but here it my progress so far in my fat struggle.

No makeup and tired! and fighting not to gain anymore weight back!!!

But I am having one of these days

I am out...

Friday, November 15, 2013

Emotional Friday,

Well I guess I want to say I'm past pissed but cool.....OK this what happen one of the people in the weight loss challenge remember had weight loss surgery well I know now she isn't whom she pretends to be. See on Facebook there are avatar you can have for fun well I have one and I found her's and did a cartoon of us giving each other high I didn't make her avatar so she sees it on my page and calls me and say's you made my avatar fatter then you now did you read this! ( you made my avatar fatter then you) I am like I have been losing weight and not with any type of surgery! I have said it over and over again folks need to watch their mouth and listen to the words before speaking them!!!!!!

Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for. -Marian Wright Edelman

Beautiful quote!
Now I'm not perfect and I'm not where I want to be but I'm not where I use to be!!!
and it took tears, sweat and struggling to get here.
But I want to thank her because I am good, I can show you better then I can tell you:-)

It's early morning almost 3am listing to meditation smooth music and for some reason I have had this someone on my mind for weeks but that's because I'm in like, now I have never met him in person but he's on my Facebook for like 2 yrs now or more he's smart, sweet and Godly:-) but he does live in the same state I live in! and we have exchanged number a long time ago and we text but he doesn't have a clue how I feel and when we text it's sweet friends only:-) well now I feel better saying this to someone or just saying it. But I will never over step my bound because he would have to pursuit me Gods word says Proverbs 18:22..."
He that hath found a good wife, hath found a good thing, and shall receive a pleasure from the Lord.

I need to go to bed I am just talking to

Monday, November 11, 2013



Saturday, November 9, 2013


Well today I went to the renaissance fair and it was wonderful I truly loved it!!!
And I stuffed my face got home and ate the rest of the peppermint ice cream so this was it and now I am starting my detox back full blown and getting my shit together!
Tonight will be a very hot shower in a salt scrub then rinses off in cold water it does so much including getting rid of plenty waste. Right now I am listen to soft meditation to prepare my body for the shower or you can do a bath but I want to be relax before entering the shower. Body cleansing can take off alot of weight I know someone they did the detoxing and she loss 75 pound from doing it but you must be wise about it and eat very healthy.
OK off I go lifetime word DETOX:-)



Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Madness!

It has be a weird day, now it's my day off and I have been getting stressed for these grown kids!!! working my last good nerve. I have been a stress eater for years that's why my butt is the size it is!!! but I have been working a long time not to be that way and today is very successful Thanking God!!! not putting crap in my mouth:-)

OK I was challenged to a weight loss dual and I excepted it there are 5 of us and 1 is a cheater because she had weight loss surgery but whatever. Talk about giving a girl some motivation I love a challenge and they have been talking plenty of crap and there's money involved so I am working hard to get this weight off! Protein shakes and salad!!! and of course the treadmill:-) I am praying all goes well!

I am ready for battle and no backing down from me ever!...OFF TO WAR:-)  


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Wonderful Saturday-)

Yesterday was my day trip and OH BOY Camel is such a beautiful place I'm so in love yes I am!!
The place is mind blowing just awesome and a very romantic spot to if your with a special someone, I'm just saying but I this was a girl trip for me and I have no special someone well I do in my heart but he's doesn't know I would never say a word unless he showed interest because in the past I have spoke my feels and I have loss in the end. A woman should never speak her feeling first because if it's for you God will place that man and he will speak his intention and that's my personal feeling:-) now enough of that!

I walked 4 miles or more yesterday in Camel and I'm not as sore as I thought I would be now I did eat very rich food but I only at once and that was more then enough food for the day I could only get half down and that was it. And there were so many fit people there I felt like the pear in a barrel of toothpicks!  But it was good motivation for my spirit I want to go back soon and do some hiking that's a great motivation for me and a exciting thought:-) This fat struggle is an up hill battle but I will never give up nor take the easy way out and never be ashamed of who you are and where your at in the struggle for a healthier you because you have to love who you are now to get where you want to be:-))

A small piece of Camel:-))
