Friday, November 15, 2013

Emotional Friday,

Well I guess I want to say I'm past pissed but cool.....OK this what happen one of the people in the weight loss challenge remember had weight loss surgery well I know now she isn't whom she pretends to be. See on Facebook there are avatar you can have for fun well I have one and I found her's and did a cartoon of us giving each other high I didn't make her avatar so she sees it on my page and calls me and say's you made my avatar fatter then you now did you read this! ( you made my avatar fatter then you) I am like I have been losing weight and not with any type of surgery! I have said it over and over again folks need to watch their mouth and listen to the words before speaking them!!!!!!

Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for. -Marian Wright Edelman

Beautiful quote!
Now I'm not perfect and I'm not where I want to be but I'm not where I use to be!!!
and it took tears, sweat and struggling to get here.
But I want to thank her because I am good, I can show you better then I can tell you:-)

It's early morning almost 3am listing to meditation smooth music and for some reason I have had this someone on my mind for weeks but that's because I'm in like, now I have never met him in person but he's on my Facebook for like 2 yrs now or more he's smart, sweet and Godly:-) but he does live in the same state I live in! and we have exchanged number a long time ago and we text but he doesn't have a clue how I feel and when we text it's sweet friends only:-) well now I feel better saying this to someone or just saying it. But I will never over step my bound because he would have to pursuit me Gods word says Proverbs 18:22..."
He that hath found a good wife, hath found a good thing, and shall receive a pleasure from the Lord.

I need to go to bed I am just talking to

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