Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy Tuesday!!
I did a 2 mile walk this morning and boy was I in some knee pain but I did it....woo-whoooo!
But there's bad news I didn't eat breakfast like I should have and after my walk I was out and about and got hunger and had 2 honey buns:-/ well that's the cost of not staying on top so I get back up and keep going.
I think its hard to talk about our ups and downs when we want to succeed so much.....when we are working so hard to get to our goal the last thing you need is someone disapproving look saying you still trying to loss weight.
This is one of the reason I don't want to deal with someone in my life because I don't want to hear someone say anything to me about my weight, I am the only one who can fit that. And its hard to met someone who willing to go the extra mile and go walk with you or exercise, hell they want you to come package fit body ready. But not all men are that way it's just hard to run into them.



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