Monday, August 19, 2013

It's the beginning of a new week and thank you Jesus, I had my second Chiropractic appointment this morning I bit sore but better I don't go back until the end of the month.  I have increased my biotin from 5000 mcg to 10,000 mcg I feel being a over weight person it will help me get the job done. I think I needed to reevaluate my daily intake on my supplements and multivitamins because in order for this to work everything must be balance not control then things are all out of order.
Today breakfast cal was 670 pretty close to the mark! OH boy I have good news by the end of the month the braces will be off and I can finally have all the raw foods I want to eat!!!!!! the whole time I have had these braces on it's been nothing but pain I can't wait to get them off!:-)))
Well time for a nap:-)


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