Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday how you doin!

Of course it's hot as a merry-go-round that never stops!! And lets not forget an unexpected visitor....WHAT IN THE HELL IS GO ON!!! Why do folks think they can just drop by.......this is not in my handbook for dealing with people! Because my home policy says you must call before attempting to come to my home.

I am late on my daily routine I need to eat some breakfast Oh by the even thought I haven't been walking everyday because of my eating habits I am still losing weight:-) isn't that MARVELOUS!

You know I believe the donuts was a setup because the more I think about it this person has never  brought donuts before ever, but same old thing when you make personal or physical change in your life there will always be people who feel as if it's a personal attack against them and these folks need help. But at the end of my day it won't hurt me, but maybe she did it with good intent but I trust no one and everyone always have a motive rather is good or not.
This is my feelings I think like this if I have betrayed myself and yes we all have in many ways then no one can live up to those standards nor 100 percent trust and I have no expectation of no one not even myself because we are imperfect people so for me you will never know what someone will do never.    


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