Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy Wednesday

Well it's 9:22 and its been a successful morning!!! my neighbor offered to walk in the morning with me at least 3 times a week and I thank God because it had crossed my mind to ask her but we don't know one another like that but God had showed it to me before hand:-))) I am a happy camper. Don't want to get deep in conversation is what I explain to her and we just put our earphones on and walk it! Plus I am going to buy my bike this week I think......My knees are feeling better today and back to work tomorrow! I am sure once I get back to work things will fall back to normal. I Think you would have to live like a hermit in order for life to almost be untouchable in so parts of it.

This morning I went back to 700 cal breakfast because when I eat a good healthy breakfast it works for me I have no cravings at all in the later part of the day, I did this before and then went to smoothies for breakfast and lunch but I get cravings and I can't have that I refuse to gain weight I have lost!! Let me say I am sick of that roll-coaster!!!!! weight up and down that crap has being going on for years and its my fault for not educating myself years ago and not having the self worth to change it, I had allow my past to mentally beat me up and wasn't willing to except good changes for my life. But life is so much different then it use to be for quit sometime now and thanking God for the many blessing of strength, understanding, his love for me and so much more:-))).  Well it's an hour later from the start of this blog, see I am helping my child get ready for her first job!!! yeah I am almost in tears and so happy for her she 22 and have been trying to get a job forever so her lunch is ready and she needs to leave soon to catch the bus to get there! riding the bus will keep her focused to save her money to buy a cheap car to get from point A to point B feel me.

later Dem~

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